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The "Aid" initiative embodies the essence of support, assistance, and backing provided to individuals to empower institutions in need. This name was thoughtfully chosen to reflect its meaningful resonance in both Arabic and English.

 It aims to promote collaboration and build partnerships between the Central Research Laboratory at King Saud University and both the private and public sectors, as well as educational and research institutions. The initiative provides customized research program design and construction services to meet the needs of individuals in these sectors based on the requirements of the organization to empower these institutions in the field of scientific research. The initiative aims to provide camps and educational chains that align with the diverse requirements of the sectors and enhance development and progress in their various fields.


• Building strategic partnerships with the private and public sectors, as well as educational institutions, to develop innovative research programs.

• Meeting the needs of individuals in different sectors through the design of customized research programs.

• Enhancing collaboration, knowledge exchange, and expertise sharing between the research laboratory and the private and public sectors.

• Highlighting the scientists and researchers at King Saud University and providing them with opportunities to build professional networks beyond the university's boundaries.

• Enhancing the status of King Saud University as a reference in the field of research and development.

Important Dates

We welcome joining the Aid program and request the preparation of a specific program throughout the year. A response will be provided within one working day for coordination and 1 week for necessary actions.

Target groups

1-Educational institutions including universities and colleges

2- Research centers

3- Ministries and government agencies

4- Health sector (private and public)


Fill out the application form for establishing a research program through AID registration form . Please click HERE


• Receiving collaboration requests from the private and public sectors to build customized research programs.

• Analyzing the needs of individuals in various sectors and designing research programs that meet those needs.

• Implementing research programs in collaboration between the Central Research Laboratory and partner sectors.

Contact us

To contact the Scientists Unit regarding AID, please fill out the forms above and then send an email to ScientistsCRL@KSU.EDU.SA

Last updated on : August 12, 2024 7:30am