Scientific forums
Regular scientific events and initiatives are designed to promote the exchange of knowledge, collaboration, and analytical reasoning among scientists. These occasions offer opportunities for researchers to showcase their recent discoveries, cultivate cross-disciplinary partnerships, and participate in constructive dialogues on scientific matters. Additionally, they serve as avenues for professional growth, mentorship, and the promotion of diversity within the scientific field, all while advancing disciplines and communication in science. Ultimately, these events are instrumental in fueling innovation, pushing the frontiers of understanding, and nurturing a profound appreciation for the complexities of the natural realm.
1. To provide a platform for researchers, scientists, scholars, and experts to share their latest findings, research outcomes, and innovations with a wider audience.
2. To foster networking opportunities where professionals from diverse backgrounds and geographical locations can interact, exchange ideas, and establish collaborations.
3. To contribute to the advancement of interdisciplinary scientific disciplines
Targeted audience
Academics, Postgraduate students, scientists, and researchers
Important dates
Scientific meetings are held periodically
To hold a scientific forum (symposium - conference - annual meeting) requires preparing a scientific program with the proposed topics and the names of the speakers and completing the requirements for the security screening for all the speakers.
To apply for the desire to implement the establishment of a scientific forum (HERE)
Contact us
To contact the Scientists Unit regarding scientific meetings, please fill out the forms above and then send an email to ScientistsCRL@KSU.EDU.SA