"NeuroComm" is derived from Neuroscience and Community.
The NeuroComm Forum stands as a pioneering platform, designed exclusively for scientists and neuroscience enthusiasts within the King SaudUniver sity and KSU Medical City community. It offers a unique opportunity for members to connect, share scientific ideas and experiences, collaborate on research projects, and foster effective communication.
1. Foster connections/networking among scientists and neuroscience enthusiasts within the King Saud University and KSU Medical City community.
2. Provide a platform for members to present and discuss their latest research findings, advancements, and challenges in the field of neuroscience.
3. Organize open discussion sessions on micro round tables, allowing participants to engage in in-depth conversations, brainstorm innovative ideas, and address specific topics of interest in a collaborative and interactive environment.
Targeted audience
Neuroscientists and Neurology specialists and interested researchers from multidisciplinary backgrounds.
Topic and contents:
Scientific program, workshops, discussion and networking sessions.
To Join NeuroComm:
Join NeuroComm Community (HERE)
Contact us
To contact the Scientists Unit regarding NeuroComm, please send an email to ScientistsCRL@KSU.EDU.SA