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Azr: Scientific Publication Camp


The "Azr Scientific Publication Camp" It is second of the initiatives of the Central Research Laboratory, which aims to enhance research and scientific publishing skills and train those interested at the hands of experts and researchers with experience and specialization in various sciences from university employees.

The theoretical part will be presented by a number of distinguished faculty members, while the practical application will be under the supervision of an elite group of researchers who have a research project ready for implementation, in which those interested in scientific research will be trained on the principles of solid scientific publishing, classification of journals, and choosing the appropriate journal for the research prepared for publication.


 - Preparing qualified and distinguished researchers

-  Supporting applicants to develop their research and critical capabilities

 - Helping researchers build a distinct research plan

 - Enhancing academic writing and scientific publishing skills

 - Transferring the expertise of distinguished researchers from university employees in various scientific fields

 - Providing the opportunity for scientific publishing to trainees with the assistance of experts in research, writing, and scientific publishing as agreed upon


Targeted audience

- Bachelor’s degree graduates from all specializations.

- Research assistants and researchers from research centers, private bodies and laboratories, and relevant scientific companies


Important dates

It is held in the last quarter of the calendar year over a period of 6 weeks.

The theoretical part is presented at the beginning of each week for 5-6 hours in the form of scientific lectures on the basics and types of scientific publishing, classification of journals, and how to detect fake journals, and the rest of the days of the week a practical application of what was previously presented in the week to submitting the scientific paper to the journal.

During the camp, scientific papers are reviewed by a specialized arbitration team.

To Join Azr Publication Camp

 To apply as a Peer-Reviewer for Azr the scientific Publication camp (HERE)

 To Register for Azr the scientific Publication camp (HERE)


Contact us

To contact the Scientists Unit regarding Publication Camp, please send us an email to CRLcamps@KSU.EDU.SA


Last updated on : August 12, 2024 7:26am