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Research initiatives



The Scientists Unit in the Central Research Laboratory is one of the basic pillars for advancing scientific research and raising the level of male and female researchers in all specialties. By offering diverse and integrated programs, the unit seeks to provide senior and young researchers with the necessary skills to develop their research capabilities and enable them to contribute effectively to enriching scientific knowledge through publishing in high impact journals.


1. Developing researchers’ research skills and enhancing their abilities to conduct scientific research and scientific publishing   

2. Providing researchers with the necessary knowledge and skills about writing scientific research, managing the publishing process, and dealing with scientific journals.

          3. Training researchers to develop integrated research plans using proper methodologies for submission to publication or funding agencies.

4. Designing specialized research programs in cooperation with various entities customized to their needs.

5. Supporting King Saud University scholars and expanding their professional network

Targeted audience

Undergraduate and postgraduate students from all specializations.

Faculty members

·         Azr Scientific Research Camp

·         Azr Scientific Publishing Camp

·         Azr Summer Camp for students

·         Wathba Grant Writing Camp

·         Aid initiative to custom designed research camps

 Research Initiatives:

·         Azr Scientific Research Camp

·         Azr Scientific Publishing Camp

·         Azr Summer Camp for students

·         Wathba Grant Writing Camp

·         Aid initiative to custom designed research camps

 Contact us

To contact the Scientists Unit regarding Research Initiatives, please send us an email to ScientistsCRL@KSU.EDU.SA

Last updated on : August 12, 2024 7:15am